A Long-Term Narconon Arrowhead Graduate’s Story of Success and Accomplishment

“One thing that I didn’t think I could ever accomplish was getting clean and staying that way, but I’ll be sober 6 years this June 10, 2024.”

Jordan T. with her kids
Jordan T., Narconon Graduate

I was born and raised in Shawnee, Oklahoma.  My life was good before I started using drugs.  I would have to say one of my happiest moments in life was the very last time I danced in my senior year recital.  All the years I had worked so hard finally paid off.

I started using drugs after high school.  I had a back injury and started using pills and it quickly progressed into heroin.  I had a whole eight years of my life when my parents hardly had anything to do with me and I was too ashamed to have a relationship with them.

I came to Narconon when I officially hit rock bottom. My parents came and got me and, with the help of a recommendation by a family friend, I accepted help.  My arrival went as smoothly as it could due to my severe withdrawal, with the help of Bobby Newman.

I loved the staff, Elaine being one who comforted me towards the end when I was really homesick and I just wanted a hug from my mom. Fio was amazing and even made an appearance at my wedding. I got a beautiful necklace as a gift from the staff and I still wear it today.

I still use some of the things I learned in daily practice.  My graduation was bittersweet and my goal is to one day be able to help someone that is going through the same thing I was, then see the other side and get help.

My life after Narconon has been amazing. Being a housewife has always been a dream of mine, and my kids are my world. One thing that I didn’t think I could ever accomplish was getting clean and staying that way, but I’ll be sober 6 years this June 10, 2024.

My proudest accomplishment is my husband and family.  The relationship with my family is better and we are much closer than before.  I am also now involved at a church and they are like my second family.

“My favorite thing about being drug free is having my power back.  I would tell the person struggling today that they are worthy and deserve to be clean and to ask for help.  There’s no shame in that.”

My favorite thing about being drug free is having my power back.  I would tell the person struggling today that they are worthy and deserve to be clean and to ask for help.  There’s no shame in that. A lot of people have to ask for help with things in life.

To anyone needing help with drugs and or alcohol: reach out to get some help!

Jordan T., Narconon Graduate

Matt Hawk


After graduating from the program in 2008, Matt works to help others find a new way to live life, free from drugs and alcohol. Matt is an Internationally certified drug and alcohol counselor and has written extensively on addiction and evidence-based …
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