Chief Clinical Editor for Narconon, Claire Pinelli
Claire Pinelli has been a teacher and counselor for over 45 years. Claire has always been interested in helping others, even while working on her degree in mathematics. Eventually, Claire took a year off to follow her passion, then returned to finish her degree graduating Cum Laude for Brooklyn College, CUNY.
Throughout the 1970s Claire continued to counsel others, moving to Los Angeles before eventually settling in New York City where she married. While in New York Claire began a new chapter in her life by teaching in the New York City School System, where she helped establish the first computer science curriculum for the New York City School System. Despite her busy schedule, Claire found the time to earn her Master of Science Degree, Cum Laude, in Computer Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York (now New York University).
In 1985 she left New York with her husband and moved to Los Angeles finding herself managing a multi-specialty medical clinic in Los Angeles. As time went on, Claire’s family grew to 3 children and with her husband, they made the decision to move to Northern California for her children to have a quality education. It was here that Claire began one of the most fulfilling chapters in her life when a local Narconon drug and alcohol rehab center asked for her help. She agreed, and it was there she realized her passion and ability to use her counseling skills to help those addicted to drugs and alcohol as well as their families. While there, she was able to put in a standard withdrawal protocol and double the program enrollment.
In 2004 she moved on to work at a larger Narconon facility in Oklahoma. Here she was met with a new challenge. Over the course of her 2-year tenure, Claire saw the enrollment double as she supervised treatment for over 200 clients at a time. Her skills as an administrator as well as a counselor were put to good use as she helped thousands of addicts discover how to live life free from drugs and alcohol. After ensuring a smooth transition, in 2007 she decided to move to Houston, Texas, where she and her family live today. In Houston, she and her husband founded Q.U.A.D. Consultants of Texas, Inc. A Texas corporation whose goal is to help people Quit Using Alcohol and Drugs by treating and educating not only the addict, but the counselors, the family and the facility as well.
Claire has been doing talks and lectures on drug addiction and treatment as well as classes for professionals since 2005.
She currently is living in Houston with her family and consulting for several facilities and creating and delivering Board Approved Continuing Education training for professional and lay people alike.
La enorme población de California le otorga un problema igualmente enorme con las drogas y una creciente necesidad de rehabilitación de drogas. Demasiadas personas no logran obtener ayuda alguna y aquellos que encuentran programas de rehabilitación quizás solo reciban medicamentos que previenen la rehabilitación pero no proporcionan recuperación de la adicción. leer más
Para ayudar a una persona que lucha contra la adicción, sus familiares y amigos deben ser capaces de identificar los signos de su problema. Una vez que estos signos son identificados, una rehabilitación eficaz es el siguiente paso para salvar a la persona de un daño mayor o incluso la muerte. leer más
Las personas que consumen drogas de club dicen que solo buscan pasar un buen rato, pero ese buen rato puede convertirse en un daño mental o físico, adicción o incluso la muerte. leer más
El alcohol está ampliamente disponible y publicitado en América, pero causa tantas muertes como las sobredosis de drogas. Puede que esto no sea obvio ya que muchas de las muertes ocurren en el transcurso de varios años. Es vital poder identificar cuando una persona está abusando crónicamente del alcohol. leer más
Debido a que un consumidor de cocaína a menudo intentará ocultar su consumo de drogas, es importante que amigos y familiares puedan identificar los signos de uso. Cuando el consumo de cocaína se convierte en un uso a largo plazo y adicción, los signos suelen ser inconfundibles. En ese momento, encontrar un programa de rehabilitación eficaz es esencial. leer más